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- Evolution of South Bay Water Recycling Into the 21st Century
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The San Jose/Santa Clara Water Pollution Control Plant, a jointly owned facilitylocated in northern California, is part of the South Bay Water Recycling (SBWR)program. The SBWR system currently consists of 60 miles of recycled waterpipelines and supporting infrastructure including three pump stations and areservoir. The SBWR program was initially created to protect the salt marshhabitat of two endangered species by reducing treatment plant flows to SanFrancisco Bay. As of October 1999, the system has delivered up to 10 milliongallons per day to more than 200 customers for landscape and agriculturalirrigation and industrial use. In partnership with the Santa Clara Valley WaterDistrict, the City of San Jose has developed a master plan for the expansion ofthe SBWR facilities. This paper discusses the components of the master plan whichinclude expanding the SBWR system and developing a long-term reuse strategy. Includes tables, figures.
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