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- Impact of Multiple TMDLs on the Newport Bay Watershed
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The Newport Bay Watershed is located in central Orange County, California, in thesouthwest corner of the Santa Ana River Basin. California is an NationalPollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) state and administers the CleanWater Act under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Act. This act set up the StateWater Resources Control Board as the primary governing body, but to allow forregional differences, also set up nine Regional Water Quality Control Boards toadminister NPDES and other Clean Water Act programs. Therefore, when the USEnvironmental Protection Agency entered into a Consent Decree with 'Defend theBay', a Newport Bay public interest group, to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads(TMDLs) identified on the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board(Regional Board) 303(d) list, the duty to determine assimilative pollutantcapacity of Newport Bay, set waste load and load allocations, then developmanagement plans to implement water quality requirements according to theschedule in the Consent Decree fell upon the Regional Board. Should the RegionalBoard fail to meet the requirements of the Consent Decree, the EPA willindependently establish TMDLs and require the Regional Board to enforce them.This paper describes the TMDL process followed by the Regional Board indeveloping sediment, nutrient and pathogen TDMLs. Includes tables.