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- Salt Migration Study: Evaluating Effects of Recycled Water Application on a Downstream Water Supply
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) of Dublin, California, and theEast Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) of Oakland, California, formed aJoint Powers Authority known as the DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Authority (DERWA).The purpose of DERWA is to implement water recycling projects in the San RamonValley in California. An Environmental Impact Report for the San Ramon ValleyRecycled Water Program identified a potential adverse impact on the AlamedaCounty Water District (ACWD)due to a likely increase in salt in the downstreamACWD water supply. A Salt Mitigation Study was undertaken to quantify the impactsof future water recycling irrigation practices on ACWD's downstream water supply.The concentration of salt in the water supply would likely increase because mostof the recycled water project area lies within ACWD's watershed, and the recycledwater has higher salt concentrations than the potable water it replaces.Specifically, the Study was designed to estimate the fraction of applied salts inrecycled water that will migrate into the downstream water supply. Furthermore,an estimate of the lag time at which the impacts may occur was made as part ofthe Study. This paper describes the study and summarizes preliminary findings. Includes 5 references.