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- Public Education and Outreach Program for the Beneficial Reuse Project in the Centre Region of Pennsylvania
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The University Area Joint Authority (UAJA), Centre County, Pennsylvania, is inthe process of implementing a project that involves indirect potable reuse. UAJA feels that, inaddition to the technical aspects, an important task is the education of the public on difficultsubjects such as the water budget, advanced water treatment, reuse applications, and therelationship between the water reuse project and growth. UAJA has used newspaper inserts,press conferences, pamphlets, and guided tours to educate the public and seek comments on theproject during the planning phase, preventing expensive changes during design or construction.An interactive web site allows visitors to review the project to-date and make comments on eachphase of the work. Additionally, UAJA sponsors a program with the local school district thatallows virtually every fifth grader in the community to tour and experience the Spring CreekPollution Control Facility firsthand. This paper will detail the specific techniques used by UAJAand the success of each program in educating the public on indirect potable reuse. Includes figure.
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