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- Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: A Vision of 2021: Introducing Water Reuse to a World Capital
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The City of Riyadh, capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is one ofthe fastest growing cities in the world, with a growth rate of over 8 percent peryear, and a current population of 3.5 million. Riyadh is projected to grow to atleast 10.5 million by the year 2021. The City is located in an arid zone, withminimal precipitation and an extremely high rate of annual evaporation.Waterresources for Riyadh are mostly imported by pipeline from a desalination plantlocated 460 km (300 miles) to the East, at the coastal city of Jubail andsupplemented with brackish groundwater. The need for provision of a supportinginfrastructure for this fast rate of growth is well recognized by the Kingdom'sauthorities. The Metropolitan Development Strategy for ArRiyadh (MEDSTAR) beganin 1996. This comprehensive planning effort is a dynamic process providing forthe infrastructure and management support needed to guide the anticipated growthin a rational, environmentally sound and economic manner. During the earlydevelopment of strategic options, a large number of alternative scenarios wereanalyzed by the MEDSTAR Team. The results pointed to the need for systems thatwould utilize water most efficiently and minimize its wastage principally withthe objective of attaining a more sustainable management of the City's preciouswater resources. This paper discusses the integration of urban water reusealternatives into the water and wastewater infrastructure which has become anessential strategic component of the plan. The water reuse component of theintegrated water cycle system is expected to have an ultimate capacity of 1.5million cubic meters per day (400 mgd). Includes tables, appendix.
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