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- Need and Technological Possibilities of Wastewater Reuse in Flanders
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
Although the climate in Flanders, Belgium is of the moderate sea climate type and flooding does sometimes occur, local water shortages have become apparent inrecent decades. The need for integrated water management is now recognized and several actionsare being taken in that respect. This paper presents an overview of the seriousness of thewater shortage problem, together with an indication of possible causes. One possibleremediation lies in the reuse of wastewater. The status of reuse projects in Flanders isreviewed, focusing on the reuse of industrial as well as domestic wastewaters. The legalframework in Flanders is discussed, and bottlenecks that hinder reuse practice are outlined.Future developments towards wastewater reuse are also addressed. Includes 29 references, tables, figures.