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- The State-of-the-Art in Water Efficiency Measures & Practices
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Significant strides have been made in the science and art of water efficiency measures over the past decade. The large-scale implementation of just some of these measures have contributed to system water demand reductions of over 20% by several large U.S. water systems - e.g., Boston, Albuquerque (per capita basis), Seattle, New York City, Los Angeles, and others. Well over 100 water conservation "hardware" measures and efficiency practices are available for application among the major customer sectors that can result in permanent water savings when applied appropriately. Many of these measures have improved or changed significantly in recent years and have increased savings potential. This paper summarizes the water use characteristics of major customer groups, identifies potential savings from conservation, and provides an overview of water efficiency measures that can be applied to the residential/domestic, landscape irrigation, business, industrial, and agricultural sectors.
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