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- Have Low-Flow Plumbing Fixtures Really Saved Water? Estimating Conservation Water Savings From Efficiency Plumbing Code Changes
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Since 1994, implementation of new low-flow standards for showerheads, faucets, toilets, and urinals enacted as part of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 1992 has reduced customer water usage levels. Tacoma Water (in western Washington State) needed an estimate of the cumulative impact of the water savings associated with implementation of these new standards. Water savings at Tacoma Water were estimated for single family, multi-family, non-residential, and wholesale customers. The estimated water savings were separated into savings attributable to new homes and businesses and savings attributable to retrofitted homes and businesses using available third-party information. Based on the analysis discussed in this paper, Tacoma Water's total water savings in 1998 from implementation of efficient plumbing code fixtures were estimated at an overall level of 411.4 million gallons or approximately 1.13 million gallons per day. Approximately 39 percent of these estimated water savings was attributable to newly constructed homes and businesses while the remaining 61 percent was due to retrofit replacement of older fixtures. Includes tables.