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- Recycling of Treated Wastewater to Irrigate Parks and Gardens: Experience in Madrid Region
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
During the year 2000, and following the implementation of the selected alternatives, treated wastewater has been used in the irrigation of the public parks of Alcobendas and in sporting installations in San Sebasti¿n de los Reyes, Spain. In the mid term, Canal de Isabel II plans for the recycling of some 40 million cubic metres per year in the irrigation of green zones, reserving the best quality water resources for supply purposes and for the environmental needs of rivers. This paper gives a detailed description of the facilities in the wastewater treatment plants where the implementation of tertiary treatment for the recycling process has been initiated. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.
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