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- Water Reuse Planning in Clark County Sanitation District
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Clark County Sanitation District (CCSD), the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) and the Summerlin Master Planned Community Development retained Greeley and Hansen to study the feasibility of increased reclaimed water use in the CCSD-LVV service area through either a reclaimed water distribution system (RWDS) from the CCSD WWTP, or reclaimed water distribution systems from satellite Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs), or both. The study involved close interaction and communication with CCSD, LVVWD and Summerlin Developer. CCSD has the responsibility for wastewater collection and treatment in the study area. LVVWD has responsibility for water treatment and distribution in the study area. The objectives of the feasibility study include the following: identify reclaimed water service area(s); identify pertinent regulatory considerations; identify potential reclaimed water users; perform a wastewater supply and reclaimed water balance determination; develop water reclamation system scenarios; develop reclaimed water costs; develop a west regional water reclamation plan; evaluation of water reclamation scenarios; and, recommend a preferred reuse system scenario. Development of water reclamation scenarios are based on delivering reclaimed water to the reuse sites from either the CCSD WWTP or a satellite WRF. The scenarios are categorized into short- term projects and long-term projects. Projects that can be implemented in the shortest possible time span (less than a year) are identified under short-term projects. Projects that require a significantly longer period of time (more than a year) are identified under long-term projects. One feasible short-term project and five feasible long-term projects were initially identified. One additional, feasible long-term project was added to show the effect of combining two particular long-term projects. Includes table.
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