Yorkshire Water Services (YWS) is part of the Kelda Group of companies and is responsible for the provision of water and wastewater services in Yorkshire to 4.5 million customers. Its customers recognize the importance of prudent water resource planning and management and set clear expectations for the provision of wholesome water at an affordable price. Now over 95% of its customers are linked into the Yorkshire Grid network of resources, treatment and distribution pipes, which are modelled in WRAPsim and managed conjunctively. This paper discusses water resource computer modeling (WRAPsim) which has enabled better utilization of existing resources and over the years, significant savings for the Water Company and its customers. This tool has been a key factor in resolving major conflict between water demand and environmental stewardship. WRAPsim is an acronym for Water Resource Allocation Planning simulation. The WRAPsim family of computer programs is used for both operational decision-making process and planning for the future. YW has experience of over a decade in solving water resource- related problems and savings have been made in projects such as pipeline route selection, river abstraction licence negotiations and leakage reduction targeting, by enabling the seemingly conflicting goals of such groups as regulators, environmentalists, agriculture, and customers to be met. Working with these groups and the WRAPsim 1200 component model of the Yorkshire Grid, water system modellers run the model using different policies to determine a number of best fit alternative solutions. Includes figures.