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- Management Advisory Committee Brings Las Vegas Wash Comprehensive Adaptive Management Plan to Life
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
The Las Vegas Wash is a critical link in southern Nevada's watershed. The Las Vegas Wash is the primary outlet for water flows from the metropolitan Las Vegas Valley, comprising stormwater, highly treated wastewater, landscape and surface street runoff, and intercepted shallow groundwater flows. During the past two decades, erosion and water quality concerns related to the Wash have moved to the forefront of the community's environmental concerns. To address these concerns, the Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee was formed to develop management solutions for the Wash. Within one year, the Las Vegas Wash Comprehensive Adaptive Management Plan (LVWCAMP) was developed. The LVWCAMP identified 44 action items necessary for the successful stabilization, enhancement, and long-term management of the Wash. To ensure the implementation of these recommendations, an Action Plan was developed by the Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee that recommended that implementation of the LVWCAMP remain at the local level. Ultimately, seven local entities were selected to staff the Management Advisory Committee in order to oversee the projects associated with the Plan. Through a Memorandum of Understanding established in August 2000, the local entities direct the research and capital improvement projects outlined in the LVWCAMP and address critical issues such as funding and jurisdiction. Includes figures.