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- Toronto Goes Extra Mile to Ensure Toilet Change-Out Savings Are Achieved
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The City of Toronto has set a goal to reduce their projected water demands by 15% by 2011. Toaccomplish this goal, the City created a Water Efficiency Plan that outlined water reductiontargets, budgets, and implementation schedules. Almost 50% of the expected average daily watersavings is to come from the replacement of inefficient toilets within the City.Toronto is expecting to save 380 MGD (100 ML/d) of water by replacing 732,000 toilets andpaying more than US$30 million ($42.6 million CDN) in rebates. The question is, "How does aCity achieve their water savings target when 3.5-gallon toilets are still available and legal toinstall in replacement situations?"The answer is to target only those fixtures whose life cycle is completed (i.e., toilets that areapproximately 25-years old and being replaced anyway) and to offer enough of a rebate to make1.6-gallon toilets the "fixture of choice" when homeowners and property managers are faced withthe decision of which toilet to select. As an additional inducement to the homeowners, Toronto'swater rates (presently at US$3.20 per 1000 gallons) are currently increasing by 9% annually,helping to make water saving 1.6-gallon models even more attractive. The paper discusses the following criteria that Toronto intends to adopt for pre-qualifying toilet models:be shipped with proper trim components (high level of quality control);flush at or very near 1.6 gallons when installed properly (high level of quality control);use fill valves that do not "creep" and are consistent even with fluctuations in pressure;use standard or proprietary flappers (non-adjustable flush volumes);use beaded flapper chains only (no "hang ups", consistent flush volumes);flush at least 250g of solids (MaP testing benchmark); and,not exceed maximum tank volume of 1.8 gallons (currently being considered). Includes figures.