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- Preparing the Landscape Industry for Drought
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Every year there are water shortages that affect multiple regions of the U.S. Every yearthere are more water agencies that enact ordinances to restrict water for landscapes.From 2000-2003 the trouble spots included Texas, New Mexico, Georgia and thesoutheast, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, the Carolinas, Delaware,Virginia and Florida. California experiences consistent drought cycles. Water shortagescontinue to expand, not only with drought, but also due to population growth thatexceeds the water supply infrastructure in virtually every region of the country.The policies and actions of water providers significantly impact every aspect of thelandscape industry, from growers, to garden centers to landscape contractors. Theimpacts are felt far and wide in terms of lost jobs and economic decline. The hardshipsare real and felt regionally, in local communities and in the families of those who work inthe green industry. This paper outlines a plan for state and local landscape associations, or anysegment of the landscape industry, to prepare for local water supply shortagesand drought before it happens. The plan also offers what to do when drought orwater shortage hits. The proposal is intended to provide state landscapeassociation(s) with a specific drought preparedness action plan.
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