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- Landscape Irrigation Calculator: Texas WaterWise Council's Practical Slide Rule to Scientifically Determine Landscape Irrigation
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The Texas WaterWise Council, a public-private partnership of water providers, regulators,landscape industry representatives, and private citizens, engineered, developed, and is nowmarketing a slide-rule tool, the Landscape Irrigation Calculator, that incorporates the variablesof average rainfall, evapotranspiration (ET), plant type, and inherent irrigation systeminefficiency into calculations yielding scientifically determined irrigation water requirements.Applying irrigation water in a volume closely matched to plant need provides for healthier plantsand eliminates a great deal of water waste. Homeowners, irrigation professionals, groundsmanagers, and water providers can all benefit from various uses of the Landscape IrrigationCalculator (Calculator in this paper). The Calculator's versatility makes it a practical tool for useby irrigation installers, who can demonstrate to customers the financial advantages of installingan efficient irrigation system. Grounds managers can use the Calculator to establish irrigationscheduling. Water providers can use the Calculator for troubleshooting high water bills and forwater budgeting. Includes 5 references, figures.
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