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- The TWDB's Agricultural Irrigation Metering Program: Opening Eyes When Opening Valves
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/11/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
Projecting future groundwater supplies in Texas requires knowing how much water isavailable and the rate at which Texans are consuming that supply. Municipal andindustrial water use is for the most part metered. Therefore, relative to agricultural use,which is generally not metered, estimates of the amount of municipal and industrial waterused is much more exact. To establish the relationship between water use, aquifer level,and precipitation within fully metered monitor plots and improve the accuracy ofdetermining agricultural groundwater use estimates, the Texas Water Development Board(TWDB) has developed a voluntary irrigation metering program in cooperation withGroundwater Conservation Districts (GCDs). This paper describes the formation andimplementation of this program in Texas, presents data from a participating district, andexamines the positive impact the program may have on future water planning efforts. Includes 2 references, tables, figures.