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- Sustaining Regional Water Supplies During a Supply Shortage
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 02/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing background information on Tampa Bay Water, and the Water Shortage Mitigation Plan (WSMP). WSMP objectives included:developing four water shortage levels consistent withSouthwest Florida Water Management District'sWater Shortage Plan 40D-21 rule requirement;define hydrologic triggers to enter and exit eachwater shortage level;link water shortage levels to conditionscorresponding to high risk of surface water supplyexhaustion; and,define public communication and water shortagemitigation activities to reduce risk of surface waterexhaustion. Trigger objectives are listed, along with hydrologic criteria and trigger analyses, WSMP decisionprocedure, demand management approach, Communications Plan supports objective toachieve measurable demand reductions, WSMP communications structure, attaining member government approval ofWSMP required consensus building process, potential regulatory requirements provideincentive to achieve demand reduction goals, estimating effects of demand management actions, and demand reduction during WSMP levels.
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