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- Biological Removal of Perchlorate from Drinking Water: A Study to Design and Optimize a System for Sustained Perchlorate Removal
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2008
- Publisher: AWWA
The objective of this powerpoint presentation was to design and optimize a system for sustained perchlorate removal. Background information on perchlorate is presented, along with fixed-bed (FXB) biologically activecarbon (BAC) bioreactors at bothbench-scale andpilot-scale. Bench-scale conclusions:sustained removal of perchlorate and nitrate achieved;dechloromonas is the dominant perchlorate reducing bacteria in thesystem;phosphorous addition increased relative abundance ofDechloromonas substantially (from ~15% to ~45%);increase in relative abundance of Dechloromonas is apparently thereason for improved reactor performance; and,microorganisms use acetic acid adsorbed on GAC during the lowacetic-acid period for some period, but the adsorbed acetic acid is notenough to support this for the entire period of low-acetic-acid tested(6 hours). Pilot-scale conclusions:efficient, robust perchlorate removal achieved in a FXBbioreactor; short contact times required;minimal impact from various process upsets;H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> + 2nd-Stage Biofilter + Chlorination provided effectivepost-treatment polishing; DO addition, removal of DOC/DBP formation potential, H<sub>2</sub>S, turbidity,HPCs, perchlorate buffer; perchlorate is destroyed, not concentrated; and,overall system efficiency is 95+ percent. Includes figures.
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