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- Laboratory Accreditation Under NELAP---Are You Ready
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
This special conference session presents five papers that address various topicsrelated to laboratory accreditation under the National Environmental LaboratoryAccreditation Program (NELAP). The first paper, by Charles D. Brokopp,presents the background, history, and an overview of NELAP and the NationalEnvironmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC). The second paper by JerryL. Parr discusses the major changes that will impact environmental laboratoriesas a result of NELAC and how to prepare for laboratory accreditation. The thirdpaper, by David Eugene Kimborough, addresses the impact of NELAP on utility andsmall laboratories. The fourth paper, by Chuck Wibby, explores the impact ofprivatized proficiency testing (PT) programs. And finally, the fifth paper, byDavid Mendenhall, briefly discusses what to expect when the Utah Department ofHealth comes to inspect laboratories.
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