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- NOM Character Changes During Biodegradation
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
The biodegradability of nine well-characterized natural organic matter (NOM)fractions was monitored using the biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC)method. NOM was isolated from Hope Valley Reservoir in South Australia, usinganion exchange, XAD4 and DAX8 resins. The isolates were fractioned usingultrafiltration into fractions with nominal molecular weights. The assimilationof the NOM was monitored by dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and thecharacter of the NOM was investigated using high performance size exclusionchromatography (HPSEC) and ultraviolet absorbance. The goals of the study were:to determine the characteristics of the NOM contributing to the biodegradabilityand, studying the changes in NOM character during biodegradation; to verifythe conceptual model for the mechanism of biodegradation proposed by Confer andLogan. Includes 22 references, tables, figures.
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