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- Layer Aeration: A Fifteen Year Study of Source Water Quality Improvements
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 01/01/2000
- Publisher: AWWA
As the supply of organic matter to a reservoir increases (for example due toincreasing weed and algae growth in response to eutrophication), respiration inthe lake increases. As respiration increases the demand for terminal electronacceptors (oxygen in aerobic organisms) in respiration pathways increases. Theultimate result in a thermally stratified reservoir is oxygen loss, theaccumulation of nutrients, iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide, etc. Raw waterquality deteriorates and leads to a variety of treatment problems. Oxygen lossdue to thermal stratification, followed by anaerobic respiration leads tonutrient build-up, and the accumulation of anaerobic products. In order to remedythese consequences of eutrophication, a variety of aeration methods have beendeveloped to increase the aerobic respiration capacity of a lake or reservoir.This paper describes the aeration technologies available today. Includes reference, figures.
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