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- Membrane Manufacturer & Utility Implement Non-Traditional Membrane Acceptance Testing
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2002
- Publisher: AWWA
Traditional membrane manufacturer wet testing procedures typically utilize a NaCl solution at a specific concentration and applied pressure at a standard operating temperature and percent recovery. The Deep Aquifer Treatment System (DATS), an 8-mgd (30280m3/day) nanofiltration (NF) plant utilizes a negatively charged, organic selective membrane that was specifically manufactured to remove natural color causing organics with low salt rejection. As part of the performance criteria, the membrane was wet tested for color removal at the manufacturer's facility. The paper presents an overview of this test along with membrane selection process, previous piloting results and startup and performance testing of the full scale DATS facility. Water quality issues (silt density index (SDI) and methane gas) experienced during startup and methods to overcome them are highlighted. Includes 10 references, tables, figures.
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