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- UV Disinfection and DBP Characterization of an Unfiltered Water Supply
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
With the recent recognition of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection effectiveness for protozoan cysts and oocysts, therehas been an increase in interest in the full range of possible drinking water applications for UV.However, drinking water studies to date have concentrated primarily on filtered waters with lowturbidities and relatively low organic and algae concentrations. By identifying and understandingthe impact of turbidity, algae, and organics on UV efficacy, utilities can consider the broader rangeof UV applications which could include groundwater, pre-filtration, post bank filtration,disinfection of unfiltered water supply, open reservoir treatment, and others. Our partialunderstanding of the impact of these constituents not only limits the application of UV disinfection,it could also lead to an inappropriate application of UV technology.In addition to the possible advantages offered by UV for disinfection, it is possible to significantlyalter oxidation techniques and disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation. Understanding thepossible impacts on DBPs, both concentration and type, is essential for comprehensive public healthplanning. Additional research into possible DBP compliance strategies offered by UV is necessaryto complete this picture.This paper discusses results from a 14-month AWWARF sponsored project in Winnipeg, Canada(pop. 630,000), which evaluated UV disinfection and DBP characterization for the City's unfilteredwater supply. The City's water supply and treatment system offered a unique opportunity toinvestigate UV disinfection of an unfiltered supply as well as a wide range of precursorconcentrations and oxidant and disinfectant combinations that are not usually present in filteredwater supplies. Includes 3 references, tables, figures.