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- A Spectroscopic and Molecular Weight Investigation of the Effect of Six Water Treatment Processes on Myponga Reservoir NOM
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
The aims of this study were twofold:to compare the effects of six water treatment processes on the concentration and character of thenatural organic matter (NOM) in one reservoir water; and,to determine how relatively unsophisticated techniques, that would be available on a routine basis tomost water authorities, could be utilized in day to day operations to help water treatment personnelunderstand their NOM, and therefore aid in the optimization of plant processes.Myponga Reservoir water was chosen for this study as it has a low turbidity and relatively high dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC) concentration (12.4 mg L-1), so the effects of the different processes over a widerange of DOC and ultraviolet (UV) absorbance removals could be investigated.Six water treatment processes were studied:alum coagulation;MIEX®<sup>1</sup> DOC;activated carbon; biological filtration;ozonation; and,chlorination.All together, 127 samples were analyzed for dissolved organic carbon concentration, UV scans, truecolor, and molecular weight distribution using high performance size exclusion chromatography(HPSEC). Specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA=UV absorbance/DOC) was calculated for allsamples. The chlorinated samples were also analyzed for trihalomethane (THM) formation. Selectedresults are discussed in this paper. Includes 5 references, figures.
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