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- GAC for DBP Removal: When and How to Change GAC?
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Bottle point tests were conducted to evaluate granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorptioncapacities for various disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Using the adsorption isotherms, the GACbed lives for these DBPs were estimated. Pilot studies were also conducted in a local watertreatment plant to investigate the biological activity development in new GAC columns. Theresults of these studies indicated that GAC filters, or filter-adsorbers, could provide a long term(several years) removal for haloacetic acids (HAAs) after biological activity is developed and ashort term (several months) removal for trihalomethanes (THMs) and trichloroacetic acid. Tobetter utilize GAC adsorption for THM removal, GAC change should be conducted in earlysummer when high levels of THMs and trichloroacetic acid are expected for the rest of summer.This also coincides with high water temperatures which benefit biological activity developmentfor HAA removal. Seeding 5% acclimated GAC could also expedite biological activitydevelopment for HAA removal in new GAC filters. Includes 9 references, tables, figures.