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- Biological, Chemical, and Electrolytic Ion Exchange Brine Treatment for Perchlorate and Nitrate Removal
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
As a collaborative effort between MWH and the University of Houston, the two primaryobjectives of this research were to:demonstrate the long-term performance of conventional ion-exchange technology forperchlorate removal; and,evaluate three disparate alternatives (chemical, biological, electrolytic) for brine treatmentand reuse.While addressing these objectives, the underlying requirement of the pilot-scale system was toensure that the treated water perchlorate concentration remained below the CaliforniaDepartment of Public Health Services perchlorate Advisory Action Level of 4 ug/L.Designed, constructed and installed within MWH's Mobile Water Treatment Pilot Trailer, thepilot plant included two parallel ion-exchange columns (clear PVC) that could be operatedindependently in either co- or counter-current exhaustion and regeneration. Forthe purposes of this study, the columns were operated in a counter-current mode with up-flowexhaustion and down-flow regeneration. Screens were inserted at the top and bottom of eachion-exchange column to contain the resin in the column during the exhaustion and regenerationmodes. The treated water was collected in a clearwell and was also used for rinse water afterregeneration. The spent brine solution was either wasted or collected in a holding tank to be fedto the brine treatment system. The treated brine was then returned to the regeneration (sweet)brine tank. Includes table, figures.