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- Determination of CT-Value in Ozone Contact Bubble Column
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
CT-values of ozone bubble columns are often underestimated. By modelling the processes in an ozonebubble column, the ozone concentration profile can be determined and the CT-value can be calculated. Mostof the processes inside a bubble column are well known, except for the rapid decay of ozone in water. It isfound that the rapid decay can be modelled in relation to the decrease of ultraviolet (UV) absorbance (254 nm) and playsan important role in the prediction of the ozone profile in the bubble column.At Amsterdam Water Supply the contribution of the bubble column to the total CT-value is between 50 and75% and can thus not be neglected. Includes 16 references, table, figures.
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