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- Oxidation Coupled with Filtration for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Groundwater
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
Control of hydrogen sulfide in drinking water is widely practiced in groundwater systems toprevent odor complaints and to help control sulfur induced corrosion and associated black waterproblems in distribution systems. While chemical oxidation of hydrogen sulfide is wellunderstood, the pH, oxidant chemical, and effective dose influence the reaction products (e.g.sulfate or elemental sulfur) and reaction rates. The purpose of this study was to investigate thefeasibility of using hydrogen peroxide oxidation coupled with filtration for removal of hydrogensulfide. Bench-scale and pilot-scale testing were conducted on groundwater from South/CentralHillsborough County. Chemical addition followed by filtration of oxidized elemental sulfur wastested using a two-stage continuously backwashed upflow filter operated at a hydraulic loadingrate of about 5gpm/ft<sup>2</sup>. The use of hydrogen peroxide to oxidize hydrogen sulfide at ambient pH(7.2-8.0) required excessive reaction times (>20 minutes). However, when iron coagulants wereused in tandem with hydrogen peroxide, dissolved hydrogen sulfide was converted to particulatesulfur (most likely iron sulfide or colloidal sulfur) in less than 3 minutes at molar ratios rangingfrom 0.5 to 2. The combination of oxidation and two-stage upflow filtration was capable ofproducing water with turbidities below 0.08 NTU. Includes 15 references, tables, figures.