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- Comparison of Treatments Efficiency for Legionella Control in Domestic Water Systems
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
- Publisher: AWWA
It is well accepted that laboratory experimentation on Legionella inactivation is not sufficient forpredicting treatment efficacy within actual domestic water systems. In fact, several factors maycompromise biocide performance within actual systems. These factors may include scale deposits,presence of biofilms and protozoans, and existence of dead legs. For the same reasons, on-siteevaluation of treatment programs does not allow for direct comparison of treatment efficiency,because these factors can vary from one site to the other. These reasons led the CIRSEE to develop adomestic water supply simulation unit, allowing for comparative evaluations of treatment strategiesunder equivalent conditions. Studies have been performed on this pilot with different biocides. Thebest results in terms of Legionella control were obtained with continuous application of chlorinedioxide. Includes 2 references, figures.