• AWWA WQTC59026
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  • Investigations into the Mechanism of and Recovery from Abrupt Fouling of an Ultrafiltration Membrane System
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/02/2003
  • Publisher: AWWA


The Minneapolis Water Works (MWW) has been conducting long-term ultrafiltrationmembrane studies for its future 70-mgd Columbia Heights Membrane Filtration Plant(CHMFP) since May 2001. The first 6 months of membrane testing was a component ofthe CHMFP membrane procurement and the performance data was used in the bidevaluation process. After the contract was awarded, the selected membrane supplier,Ionics, retained the pilot equipment onsite for the continuation of the long-termmembrane testing program. This testing program is intended to last until the completionof the construction of CHMFP in 2006. The primary objective of this program is toevaluate the variability of membrane performance at different water quality conditionsover the course of four years. Various operational issues, such as cold temperatureproduction, flexibility and the optimization of membrane cleaning regime, are alsoscheduled to be investigated in this project. This paper focuses on the abrupt, excessivemembrane fouling phenomena observed during spring-runoff seasons. Although themembrane permeability during the excessive fouling event was still higher than what theCHMFP is designed for, it was important for MWW to understand the nature of thisunusual type of fouling. Also, identifying effective cleaning or preventive measures thatcan be used to handle such an event in the full-scale plant is highly desirable. Substantialcollaborative efforts from the owner (MWW), consulting engineers (HDR/MP/SPI), andmembrane provider (Ionics/Norit) were incorporated into the extensive studies on foulingidentification and membrane permeability recovery approach. Includes tables, figures.

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