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- Optimization of Pretreatment for MF/UF Membrane Performance
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/15/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The objective of this project was to investigate the impact of the interaction between water quality,pretreatment processes, pretreatment chemicals, membrane materials and membrane configurations onthe membrane performance.This project was implemented in three phases: bench-, pilot-, and full-scale studies.The primary focus of the bench-scale testing was to examine membrane fouling mechanisms by specificfractions of constituents in natural water using several source waters, membrane materials, andmembrane configurations. The constituents in raw water were fractionated by prefiltration to removematerials larger than 1 µm, 100 kDa and 10 kDa. The effect of various pretreatment chemicals,pretreatment processes on each fraction, and the subsequent effect on membrane performance, were thenassessed. Membrane performance was determined by measuring flux decline during constant-pressurefiltration using bench-scale membrane filtration equipment. Water quality before and afterpretreatment was also determined.The goal of the pilot-scale tests was to investigate membrane performance using the same pretreatmentconditions of the bench-scale study. Pilot testing was conducted on three different water sources: AtlantaFulton County Water Treatment Plant (AFCWTP) in Georgia with Chattahoochee River water;CIRSEE, Le Pecq, France, with Seine River water; and, North Clackamas County Water Commission(NCCWC) Plant in Oregon City, Oregon with Clackamas River water. These tests provided theopportunity to compare performance of different membrane configurations (submerged vs.pressurized), membrane materials (polyvinylidene fluoride, polysulfone, and cellulose acetate), andpretreatment processes (i.e. coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation and so on). Each test was performedunder controlled condition close to the full scale operating procedures. The membrane flux data wascollected as the indicator of the performance.The primary focus of the evaluation of full-scale facilities was to provide insight on operational anddesign issues that were impacted by membrane pretreatment through investigating the interactionbetween water quality, pretreatment chemicals, pretreatment processes, membrane materials andconfigurations. Operational and water quality data of several worldwide membrane treatment plantswith pretreatment were investigated in this project. For each plant, the long-term water quality,membrane flux, chemical cleaning, and pretreatment chemical data were analyzed to conclude the trendof the membrane performance. Includes tables, figures.