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- The Effect of Water Quality Characteristics and RSSCT Design Parameters on TOC Breakthrough in GAC Columns
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/15/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
A total of 35 rapid small-scale column tests (RSSCTs) were performed to investigatethe effects that influent total organic carbon (TOC) concentration, empty-bed contact time(EBCT), field-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) particle size, and small-scale GACparticle size have on TOC breakthrough in a GAC adsorber. Results from the extensiveexperimental matrix of RSSCTs systematically demonstrate the following: increasing theinfluent TOC concentration decreased the time for TOC to breakthrough a GAC adsorber; increasing the adsorber EBCT led to non-proportional increases in TOC breakthrough timesand apparent efficiencies of scale; decreasing the field-scale GAC particle size from 8x20-to 12x40-mesh nearly doubled the TOC breakthrough time for all EBCTs and for all fieldscaleGAC particle sizes tested; and, decreasing the small-scale GAC particle size from60x100- to 100x200-mesh non-proportionally decreased the TOC breakthrough time, but theeffects were only observed for the tests performed with the large 8x20-mesh field-scale GACat relatively small EBCTs (5- and 10-minutes). Includes 6 references, tables, figures.
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