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- Comparison of a New Rapid Total Viable Bacteria Method and Traditional Plate Cultures
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/15/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
In response to the events of 9/11 and the results of the Vulnerability Assessment required of allwater utilities by federal mandate, Mohawk Valley Water Authority (MVWA) initiated anintensive water quality monitoring program to: more rapidly detect and respond to changes inthe system's water quality; and, gain a better overall understanding of baseline water qualityconditions in MVWA distribution mains. This progressive approach has integrated many of thecutting edge water quality security tools available today into our standard operating procedures.One of these tools is the RBD3000 from Advanced Analytical (Ames, IA). This instrumentprovides near real time qualitative results for total viable organisms (TVO) in a water sampleusing a rapid flow cytometric technique. This technique involves tagging organisms with aNucleic Acid Dye and then adding a proprietary solution (BRAG3) to decrease backgroundfluorescence. After a short incubation period a small volume (0.250mL) of sample is passedthrough the RBD3000 for detection of TVO. Includes 3 references, figures.