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- Pilot Challenge Study to Estimate Microbial Removal Efficacy in Seasonally-Brackish Surface Water
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/15/2004
- Publisher: AWWA
The purpose of this research was to evaluate different pretreatment alternatives for microbialremoval efficacy using a seasonally brackish surface water. The following three pretreatmentsystems were evaluated:the Super Pulsator (SuperP) blanket clarifier followed by dual media gravity filtration;the Actiflo micro-sand ballasted clarifier followed by dual media gravity filtration; and,the Zenon immersed ultra-filter.From September through October 2002, microbial challenge studies were conducted on thesepretreatment systems. The challenges used MS-2 phages, PRD-1 phages, and 3-micron beads tocompare the removal efficacy of the pretreatment systems. Further, background fecal and totalcoliform removals were evaluated. Includes tables.
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