• AWWA WQTC60634
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  • Integration of Water Treatment Strategies to Control Taste and Odor Compounds
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/15/2004
  • Publisher: AWWA


The State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR) applies coppersulfate bimonthly, from April through September, to control algae in the SouthBay Aqueduct (SBA). During this time, water quality measurements areperformed on both source and finished waters at the Santa Clara Valley WaterDistrict's drinking water treatment plants. The interpretation and assessment ofthis water quality data then provides management and operational staff theinformation necessary in making appropriate source water and/or treatmentdecisions. The following test parameters are analyzed to determine source andfinished water quality before and after the application of copper sulfate in theSBA: Turbidity, threshold odor number (TON), fluorescence, flavor profileanalysis (FPA), 2-methylisoborneol (MIB), trans-1,10-dimethyl-trans-9-decalol(geosmin), total organic carbon (TOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), pH,color, temperature, conductivity, phosphate, nitrate, and examination andenumeration of algae. However, after applying copper sulfate and testing forpotential taste and odor indicators, the District still experienced a severe tasteand odor incident, which caused water quality management to change sourceand treated water operations significantly. The District responded by conductingmore frequent flavor profile analyses, reducing the flow of the affected sourcewater, feeding more powder activated carbon, and blending the affected sourcewater with a cleaner water source. Additionally, the DWR increased thefrequency of copper sulfate to eliminate the taste and odor producing algae. As aresult of these actions, the taste and odor incident subsided through acoordinated effort from the District's maintenance, operations, water quality, andlaboratory services as well as through communication among DWR, Districtretailers, and the District. Therefore, this study evaluates how water qualitymanagement addressed the taste and odor incident through optimizing sourceand treated water operations as well as addresses the communication effortsnecessary in dealing with the problem of taste and odor compounds andconsumer complaints. Finally, this study provides decision making tools andwater treatment strategies that other utilities may find useful when responding toa taste and odor event. Includes 11 references, table, figures.

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