• AWWA WQTC62366
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  • Measuring Arsenic in Groundwater and Wastewater Using Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
  • Publisher: AWWA


This paper describes an at-line arsenic monitor with comparable (or better) performance toestablished US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) approved methods called the TraceDetect SafeGuard™ with Nano-Ban™ technology. TheSafeGuard instrument is presently configured to measure total arsenic in the 1 ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 50 ppb range (fordrinking water applications) or in the 50 ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 500 ppb range for industrial wastewater applications. Waterutilities can use this monitor to ensure compliance, to adjust their treatment chemistry, to prevent"break-through" in the treatment system, and to monitor the ion-exchange regeneration system.This self-contained instrument requires only 120 VAC power, compressed nitrogen and comeswith a PC to control and record test data. Reagents are replaced monthly. This instrument combines anovel sample pretreatment system with Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) and Anodic StrippingVoltammetry (ASV) performed with a patented Nano-Band™ Electrode sensor. This is a uniquetechnology developed by TraceDetect and used in a successful line of manual analysis instruments.The SafeGuard instrument automates the ASV measurement, performing sample treatment, and a fullmeasurement via standard additions in 30 minutes. The result is accurate to 20% or 1 ppb in the rangeof 1 ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 50 ppb total arsenic.A single measurement proceeds as follows. The sample is loaded into Preparation Module andacidified. If required, the sample is also diluted at this point. If a measurement of As(III) is desired, thesample is moved immediately to the Test Cell and measured. The measurement produces a peak forarsenic in a voltammogram: peak height is proportional to the As(III) concentration. After the initialmeasurement, standard additions are made to the test cell and the measurement is repeated after eachaddition. A calibration curve is constructed and used to calculate the concentration of the originalsample. Matrix effects and sensor drift are automatically accounted for in this method.If a measurement of total arsenic is desired, the sample is pretreated with a reducing agent beforemoving to the Test Cell. The reducing agent is selected such that all As(V) is converted to As(III) butnot further reduced. The measurement then proceeds as outlined above.The data collected during the measurement allows the instrument to monitor data quality andsensor performance. The controlling software uses this to alert the user should the sensor need to becleaned and regenerated. Sensor cleaning is a manual process that takes 3 minutes. After cleaning, thesensor's gold film is replaced: this latter step is performed in the SafeGuard unit under software controland takes 20 minutes. After regeneration, the sensor's performance is verified before measurementscontinue. Data collected in the field on an industrial waste stream indicates that sensor regeneration isrequired every 3 to 7 days, depending on use.The SafeGuard unit is adaptable to other sample streams. If organic arsenic is present, thepretreatment module can be programmed to inject oxidizer into the sample. This frees the organicallybound arsenic and converts it to As(V). Subsequent addition of the reducing agent then converts thearsenic to the measurable form, As(III), prior to analysis. If the sample stream contains a significantamount of copper (not typical in ground water but a common contaminant due to plumbing fixtures), aion-selective adsorption cartridge can be added that removes 99% of the copper, but passes the As(III)and As(V). Includes tables, figures.

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