• AWWA WQTC62423
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  • High Efficiency Ion Exchange for Arsenic Removal
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
  • Publisher: AWWA


Baldy Mesa Water District is an independent Special District, encompassing twenty-four squaremiles within Victor Valley, serving residents of the City of Victorville. Baldy Mesa is facedwith finding a viable treatment process for arsenic removal that can be approved andimplemented by January 2006. Unlike other purveyors who may have access to blendingsources or imported water, Baldy Mesa has no choice but to treat all of their affected well sites.The primary objective of this paper is to compare various arsenic treatment technologies for usein municipal drinking water systems. This study focuses on the use of highefficiency ion exchange system to treat arsenic levels above the new Federal standard of 10ppbin Baldy Mesa. The District and its neighbor, Victor Valley Water District, engaged an independent engineeringfirm to perform a small-scale pilot project that tested iron medias to determine their expectedperformance and economics. An additional demonstration took place at the same location usinga 100gpm packaged ion exchange system for arsenic removal. Performance indicators showed that ion exchange willalways reduce arsenic to non-detect levels regardless of varying water quality. For othertechnologies tested, however, the results appeared to be very inconsistent. During the pilot testing, the high efficiency ion-exchange system used processed 2.2 milliongallons, resulting in a waste product of 0.05% (1,100) gallons of waste brine. No pH adjustmentwas required for the removal of arsenic although the pH often exceeded 9.0.

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