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- Watershed Pathogen Surveys - A Useful Tool
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
Multiple barrier protection of drinking water begins with watershed control.Accordingly, one element of the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2) toolbox is a watershed survey to identifyCryptosporidium sources to allow efficient management action. An 18-monthwatershed pathogen survey was completed in advance of the LT2 complianceperiod, to examine the watershed of five public water suppliers.Twenty-four sample sites were established, including PWS intakes, wastewatertreatment plant (WWTP) outfalls and adjacent river sites, public access areas andtributaries. Five sites were potential LT2 sites, and these protozoa samples weresampled and analyzed in strict accordance with US Environmental Protection Agency Method 1623. At 18 sites, samples were collected and analyzed forcoliform/E.coli, enterococci, and Salmonella. Methods employed included Colilert /Quanti-Tray, Enterolert / Quanti-Tray (IDEXX, Portland, Maine) and modifiedStandard Methods 9260D (20th ed., APHA, AWWA, WEF, 1998), for coliforms/E.coli, enterococci and Salmonella, respectively. At six sites, samples were collectedfor coliform/E.coli and enterococci only. Where protozoa samples were collectedfrom non-LT2 sites, ColorSeed (BioTech Frontiers, No. Ryde, Australia) was used toestimate recovery efficiency.