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- Optimum Alum Coagulation Conditions for Cryptosporidium Removals
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This presentation presents a framework for selecting optimum alum coagulationconditions for removing Cryptosporidium by conventional water treatment plants. The traditionalconventional plant of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration is addressed as well asthe dissolved air flotation (DAF) plant. An integrated approach is used and thus the presentationdeals with the following: fundamental aluminum chemistry associated with alum coagulationincluding dissolved Al reactions, Al precipitation reactions, and the effect of water temperature;size, number concentration, and the electrical charge of oocysts; bench-scale studies; and,pilot plant studies demonstrating the performance of clarification and dual media filtration forremoving Cryptosporidium under optimum alum coagulation conditions. Includes 4 references, tables, figures.