• AWWA WQTC62527
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  • Taste & Odor: Improving Reliability and Costs through Multiple Barriers
  • Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
  • Publisher: AWWA


This studyevaluates different treatment processes that have been shown to be effective for taste andodor control. The main processes that are used for taste and odor control are adsorption and oxidation.In the adsorption category are powdered activated carbon (PAC) and granular activatedcarbon (GAC). PAC requires low capital and operating costs at low dosages, but at thehigher dosages required for PAC to perform adequately as a stand-alone process, theoperating costs are much higher. If a convenient point for introducing PAC to giveadequate contact time exists, a simple chemical feed system may be all that is necessary.GAC requires higher capital costs for the construction of contactors and is more costlyper pound but is more effective and may have lower operating costs for handling tastesand odors that persist for more than a few days each year. GAC has limited ability athandling large spikes of taste and odor compounds because it can release thesecompounds once the spike has passed.In the oxidation category, ozone and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are the mosteffective. Ozone at low dosages is capable of achieving moderate to high removal oftaste and odor compounds. To achieve very high removals that are necessary to handle high influent concentrations, the ozone dose can be increased or hydrogen peroxide canbe fed to convert the ozone to an AOP. Each of these responses will result in increasedcosts and may result in a compliance issue with the bromate standard. Use of ultravioletlight along with peroxide, another AOP, will not create the bromate issue, although theoperating cost remains high. Includes table, figures.

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