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- An Evaluation of the UV Inactivation Kinetics of MS2
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This paper examines a large dataset of dose response curvesgenerated during ultraviolet (UV) reactor validations undertaken according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) UltravioletDisinfection Guidance Manual 1 (UVDGM), and discusses the range and implications oftheir variability and accuracy.The surrogate most commonly used in the U.S. and Canada for UV validation is thecoliphage MS2. Guidance on acceptable ranges of that organism's UV dose response hasbeen issued, in the UVDGM, and in the NWRI/AwwaRF 2 guidelines. However, each ofthese guidelines was prepared from limited historical databases; their validity in light of therecent impetus to precisely measure UV irradiance during dose response characterizationhas not been fully evaluated. This presentation examines a large database of MS2 doseresponse curves generated during UV reactor validations involving this research team andassesses these against the above guidelines, and vise versa. Also, these datasets arecompared using the UVDGM's criteria for assessing differences between dose responsecurves, and variability of inactivation kinetics within and across a range of doses areevaluated. Includes 5 references, figures.