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- Effect of Sequential Disinfection on Bacillus subtilis Spores Using Ultraviolet Irradiation and Iodination
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
Long-term space missions pose a number of challenges, including provision of safe potablewater for the crew. Bringing water from earth sources for long-term space missions beyondnear-Earth orbit is not practical for several reasons, including costs on the order of$40,000/gallon. Therefore, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) hasfocused on developing closed-loop water treatment processes, which do not require water resupply.The use and reuse of water in a closed-loop system poses a number of challenges forwater disinfection, including poor "source" water quality, diverse microorganism populations,and evolution of microogransisms, which may result in the emergence of more resistant strains.To overcome the hurdles of a close-loop treatment system, a complementary disinfection processhas been developed to target a wide range of microorganisms. The disinfection process usesultraviolet (UV) radiation as the primary disinfectant and a chemical disinfectant (iodine) as theresidual disinfectant. UV radiation was selected as the primary disinfectant because it is effectiveat inactivating a broad spectrum of microorganisms and has minimal potential for the formationof disinfection byproducts. Iodine, which is effective at inactivating many microorganisms, wasselected as the residual disinfectant because it has the potential for dual use as an on-line UVmonitor and a disinfectant. Also, iodine has been used as a water disinfectant in NASA space missions since the 1970s. NASA chose iodine as the disinfectant of choice because it has a lowvapor pressure and a relatively long-lasting residual (Columbo 1987). Includes 7 references, figures.
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