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- Full-Scale Plant Conversion Experience: Installation of Ozone-BAC Process and Disinfectant Residual Control
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
The David L. Tippin Water Treatment Facility (DLTWTF) located in Tampa, Florida, treatsthe Hillsborough River water, which is characterized by relatively high organic matter contentsespecially during high rainfall seasons. In December 2001, ozonation and biologically activatedcarbon (BAC) filtration were newly installed along with a few additional modifications to theexisting facility. After the new process started, unexpectedly low monochloramine formationefficiency and a rapid decay of monochloramine residual in treated waters were observed.Changing the sequence of free chlorine and ammonia injection as well as providing sufficientmixing and reaction time for free chlorine dramatically increased monochloramine formationefficiency. However, monochloramine remained unstable in finished waters, which mightsupposedly be related to biological activities in BAC filters. Includes 5 references, figures.
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