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- Operational Practices for Improving Water Quality - EPS Modeling Case Studies
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2005
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines two case studies where:Extended Period Simulation (EPS) modeling isused to evaluate water age and source trace; and,operational modifications were utilized toreduce water age. The City of Mesa is presented as an example ofoperational impacts on water age, the Lincoln Water System is presented as an example of operational and storage impacts on waterage. Study elements for the Lincoln Water System case study includedillustrating distribution system water age impacts onreservoir location, pump station operation, andwater movement through a distributionsystem. The methodology involved: distribution system with demand area (load) betweenpumping station and standpipe;three operational cases;system configuration and demands identical for all threecases;pump station operational controls modified; and,40-day EPS analysisbalanced for 1-day (24 hours) andrepeated for 40-days to achieve equilibrium.
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