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- Assessment of Emerging Optic Sensors (Fluoroprobes) for Algae On-line Monitoring
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Various on-line emerging sensors, based on the optical analysis byfluorescence of the chlorophyll-a pigment (the most reliable indicator of algal quantity) or thephycocyanin pigment (the most specific pigment of cyanobacteria) were tested during fivemonths. The test was carried out on a raw water strongly loaded with algae and cyanobacteria.It appears that the on-line measurement of these pigments do not provide the reliability of labscaleanalysis, in terms of counting and identification of algae. However, these measurementsprovide the operator with some important information for adapting treatment conditions to waterquality variations: fast and direct indications on the evolution of the biomass and the bloomsintensity. Two sensors can be integrated into a monitoring regime to give warning on algaeblooms. Includes table, figures.