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- Using Models to Produce Real-Time THM Formation Predictions Within the Distribution System
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Due to fluctuating water quality, longer water ages, and trihalomethane(THM) concentrations approaching 0.080 mg/L, the Southern NevadaWater Authority (SNWA) sought a THM model that accurately predictedTHM formation that could be implemented into the full-scale supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)system. Several THM models were evaluated using historical waterquality data. Most of the models were functions of bromide, pH, totalorganic carbon, temperature, water age, and chlorine residual. On-linewater quality data exists for all of these parameters except bromide, whichdoes not vary significantly. A water age model was developed for the fullscalewhich provides a critical input to the THM model. After performingvalidation studies with historical THM data along with bench scaleexperiments, one model was selected for implementation into the fullscaleSCADA system. As a result, real-time THM formation predictionsare available within the full-scale SCADA system. This study presents thevalidation, accuracy, and applicability of the model at SNWA. Includes 4 references, table, figures.