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- Biologically Enhanced Anion Exchange for Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide from Groundwater
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
Pilot scale testing of fixed-bed anion exchange for removal of hydrogen sulfide was conductedover a one-year period to evaluate process performance and reliability at four well sites in west-centralFlorida. Exchangeable anions in the source waters included sulfide ( 1 to 3.2 mg/L),sulfate ( 1 to 50 mg/L), and total organic carbon (TOC) ( 1.5 to 7 mg/L). Supplemental testing was conducted toevaluate the impact of low levels of dissolved oxygen (< 2 mg/L) on the performance of theanion exchange system. Aerobic systems tended to support the growth of sulfur oxidizingbacteria near the top of the anion exchange columns. The byproducts of biological sulfuroxidation, sulfate and elemental (colloidal) sulfur, were removed through anion exchange. Ingeneral, the anion exchange systems were effective for removing hydrogen sulfide, sulfate, TOC,and reducing the chlorine demand and disinfection byproduct formation potential associated witheach groundwater source. Regeneration of the resin with brine was effective at controllingbiomass growth. The main benefit of coupling biological sulfur oxidation with anion exchangewas an apparent increase in exchange capacity resulting in about two to three fold longeroperating cycles, thus decreasing the frequency of regeneration. Includes 14 references, tables, figures.