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- Effectiveness of UV Advanced Oxidation for Destruction of Micro-Pollutants
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines a study on the effectiveness of ultraviolet (UV) advanced oxidation for destruction of micro-pollutants. Water quality results includes: Aurora's Water Quality Goals; Key Purification Challenges Addressedby UV Advanced Oxidation; and, Full-Suite Analysis Results. NDMA and Nitrosamines includes: Aurora Water Is Ahead of the Curvein Addressing NDMA; Other Sources of NDMA; NDMA Is One of Several Nitrosamines; and, UV/AOP is Best "Man-made" Approach forNDMA Destruction. UV Advanced Oxidation includes Track Record for Potable Water. UV AOP Treatability Testing includes: Treatability Testing Goals; UV Advanced Oxidation TestStrategy; UV AOP -Minimal ByproductFormation; and, Treatability Testing: UV AOP KeyFindings. Includes figures.