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- Total Water Management Practicality and Policy
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2006
- Publisher: AWWA
This slide presentation outlines Aurora, Colorado, Water's sustainable water management policy, regulations and technology. Topics covered include: Sustainability in the TerrestrialWater Environment; Constraints to Sustainable WaterSupply Approaches; Planned vs. UnplannedSubsequent Use; Limitations of Treatment andHealth Research; Considerations for RegulatoryConsistency; Regulatory Construct forSustainability; Balancing Social, Environmental, andEconomic Benefits to Meet DiverseDemands and Values; Safe Drinking Water Act establishedtechnology-based regulations for pathogens(filtration and disinfection); Common Treatment Steps ThatHave Been Proven to Public Healthfor Many years; Treatment Technologies that ProvideAdditional Benefits Where Appropriate; Public Health and EnvironmentalPerspective; and, Impact of Not Considering TotalWater Management.