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- Removal of Perchlorate through Riverbank Filtration and Aquifer Recharge and Recovery: Benefits of Water Treatment Residual
- Conference Proceeding by American Water Works Association, 11/01/2007
- Publisher: AWWA
Limited water supply and increasing water demand are key problems facing highly populated areas. If thepossible source of water is highly polluted, treatment applications may be costly. To overcome thisproblem, passive, on-site treatment techniques such as river bank filtration and aquifer recharge andrecovery increasingly attract interest. The scope of a current, on-going project envisions the use of SouthPlatte River as a water source for the City of Aurora in Colorado. Water treatment alternatives include theapplication of river bank filtration (RBF) and aquifer recharge and recovery (ARR) in series as the initialsteps of a multi-barrier treatment approach. The study consists of examining removal efficiencies andkinetics of observed macro and micro pollutants in the South Platte River. An important and potentiallysoon-to-be regulated contaminant, perchlorate was studied in terms of the removal mechanism, efficiencyand kinetics through RBF and ARR. An analytical method using HPLC/MS TOF was developed forquantifying perchlorate. Field and column studies were conducted to simulate RBF and ARR. Columnstudies also examined the possible benefits of water treatment residual as an amendment to ARR forincreasing biodegradability and adsorption. Results of the study showed that both RBF and ARR can beused as an appropriate treatment for perchlorate removal as long as sufficient electron donors (e.g.carbon) are present in the environment. Includes 31 references, tables, figures.